Chinese to Dutch

How to say 忙的不可开交 in Dutch?

Bezet, ongeopend

More translations for 忙的不可开交

交通繁忙  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Heavy traffic
不忙的  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Not busy
你忙不忙  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Are you busy
忙不忙呀  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Busy, not busy
不忙  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Not busy
匆忙的不同  🇨🇳🇬🇧  hurriedly different
不同的匆忙  🇨🇳🇬🇧  different hurried
不我不忙  🇨🇳🇬🇧  No, Im not busy
你现在忙不忙  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Youre not busy right now
有不懂的可以咨询我帮忙  🇨🇳🇬🇧  If you dont understand, You can ask me for help
可以根据你的要求开不开logo都可以  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Can you open the logo according to your request
不忙了  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Im not busy
可以,你忙你的吧!  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Yes, youre busy with you
可以帮忙开通内转吗?谢谢  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Can i on the inside transfer? Thank you
可是我不开心  🇨🇳🇬🇧  But Im not happy
可以开阔眼界,也可以看到不同的风景交很多朋友  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Can broaden your horizons and make many friends with different scenery
忙的  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Busy
翻译说他会帮忙交  🇨🇳🇬🇧  The translator said he would help with it
没有交警,交警不会查的  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Without traffic police, traffic police wont check
我的房卡开不了门能帮忙一下吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Cant my room card open the door and help

More translations for Bezet, ongeopend