出门右转楼梯口下去负一层 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Go out right turn down the stairwell and down the negative level | ⏯ |
下楼梯就是超市 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Down the stairs is the supermarket | ⏯ |
去沙滩 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 To the beach | ⏯ |
下楼梯 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 down the stairs | ⏯ |
我到23楼梯门口接你 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Ill pick you up at the 23stairs door | ⏯ |
那有个楼梯 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Theres a staircase | ⏯ |
从楼下的大门进去就是 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Its right inside the door downstairs | ⏯ |
上下楼梯 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Up and down the stairs | ⏯ |
跑下楼梯 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Run down the stairs | ⏯ |
沙滩 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Sandy beach | ⏯ |
沙滩 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Beach | ⏯ |
那有个楼梯在六楼 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Theres a staircase on the sixth floor | ⏯ |
那里有个楼梯六楼 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 There is a staircase on the sixth floor | ⏯ |
一楼门口 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 The first floor door | ⏯ |
我想去沙滩 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 I want to go to the beach | ⏯ |
那里有个楼梯,她就住在七楼 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 There was a staircase and she lived on the seventh floor | ⏯ |
那有place沙滩 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Theres a place beach | ⏯ |
这里有沙滩,没有海滩 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 There is a beach, no beach | ⏯ |
沙滩是热的 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 The beach is hot | ⏯ |
我在电梯口,5楼 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Im at the elevator entrance, 5th floor | ⏯ |
モスクワの天気は雨の日です 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 The weather in Moscow is a rainy day | ⏯ |
私の麺は牛肉味のです 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 My noodles are beef-flavored | ⏯ |
野菜味の麺は私のです 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 The vegetable flavored noodles are mine | ⏯ |
モスクワは雨の日です 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 Moscow is a rainy day | ⏯ |
今の私のやり方で良いですか 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 Is it better in my way now | ⏯ |
私の骨が折れた方が早く治る。私のは捻挫なので、時間がかかる 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 The broken my bones will heal faster. Mine is a sprain, so it takes time | ⏯ |
寧波の天気は雨の日です 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 The weather in Ningbo is a rainy day | ⏯ |
今の私のやり方良いですか 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 Is it my way now | ⏯ |
寧波は雨の日です 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 Ningbo is a rainy day | ⏯ |
私の名前はHideyukiです 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 My name is Hideyuki | ⏯ |
これは私の麺です 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 This is my noodle | ⏯ |
最新のサンプルの提案が必要です 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 We need the latest sample suggestions | ⏯ |
骨が折れた方が早く治る。私のは捻挫なので、時間がかかる 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 If you have a broken bone, youll get well sooner. Mine is a sprain, so it takes time | ⏯ |
はい、寧波は雨の日です 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 Yes, Ningbo is a rainy day | ⏯ |
私はmgbへ振り込まないとスタート出来ないので、それにはまた時間がかかる。なのでやはり今夜は無理です 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 I cant start without transferring to mgb, so it takes time again. So I cant do it tonight | ⏯ |
た 薬 で す 。 の 心 配 は い り ま せ ん 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 S. Heart-to-heart matching | ⏯ |
これを使えるのはヒロミチだけです 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 Only Hiromichi can use this | ⏯ |
クアラルンプールの天気は小雨です 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 The weather in Kuala Lumpur is drizzly | ⏯ |
はい、モスクワも雨の日です 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 Yes, Moscow is also a rainy day | ⏯ |
私の麺は野菜味です 🇯🇵 | 🇬🇧 My noodles are vegetable flavor | ⏯ |