Chinese to Cantonese

How to say 疫情爆发 in Cantonese?


More translations for 疫情爆发

疫情爆发  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Outbreak
看新闻,江苏省流感疫情爆发了  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Look at the news, the outbreak of influenza in Jiangsu Province
爆发  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Outbreak
爆发力  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Explosive
爆发战争  🇨🇳🇬🇧  War broke out
火山爆发  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Volcano eruption
爆发喷出  🇨🇳🇬🇧  burst out of the squirt
捏爆爆珠  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Pinching the blast beads
免疫  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Immune
疫苗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Vaccine
爆  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Burst
发情了吗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Are you feeling the better
发生情况  🇨🇳🇬🇧  What happens
发现火情  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Discover the fire
免疫力  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Immunity
爆炒  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Blast
爆珠  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Detonating beads
口爆  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Mouth blast
爆炸  🇨🇳🇬🇧  blast
易爆  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Explosive

More translations for 疫情爆發

疫情爆发  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Outbreak
看新闻,江苏省流感疫情爆发了  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Look at the news, the outbreak of influenza in Jiangsu Province
發的發  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Hair
剪發  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Shearing
發燒  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its going to happen
我們一起有着火山爆發的力量  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Together, we have the power of volcanic eruptions
剪頭發  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Scissors
捏爆爆珠  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Pinching the blast beads
免疫  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Immune
疫苗  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Vaccine
爆  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Burst
在沙發上  🇨🇳🇬🇧  On the couch
統一發票  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Unified invoices
連接發我  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Connect send me
我的發克  🇨🇳🇬🇧  My hair
腰子發炎  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Waist inflammation
生病發燒  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Sick
免疫力  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Immunity
爆发  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Outbreak
爆炒  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Blast