客户产品 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Customer products | ⏯ |
因为客户产品的 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Because of the customers product | ⏯ |
这款产品给客户报销 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 This product is reimbursed to the customer | ⏯ |
我已经把钱给了别人,别人才给我包包的 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Ive given the money to someone else before they give me the bag | ⏯ |
我给别的客户都是55 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 I give other clients are 55 | ⏯ |
我已经把100多的东西卖给你100了 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Ive sold you more than 100 things for 100 | ⏯ |
我们的客户 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Our customers | ⏯ |
客户已经同意飞CAF 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 The customer has agreed to fly CAF | ⏯ |
这个产品已经生产了好多年了 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 This product has been produced for many years | ⏯ |
已经卖掉了 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 its been sold | ⏯ |
你明天不来我就把货卖给其它客户了 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Ill sell the goods to other customers when you dont come tomorrow | ⏯ |
我们别的客户也是这样 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 The same goes for our other clients | ⏯ |
客户经理 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Account manager | ⏯ |
客户经理 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Account Manager | ⏯ |
这个产品已经经过了好多年了 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 This product has been going on for many years | ⏯ |
已经已经卖完了,没有了 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Its sold out, no | ⏯ |
去年我已经卖了 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 I sold it last year | ⏯ |
就是按照我们已经做的那款产品 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Its according to the product weve already done | ⏯ |
产品类别 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Product categories | ⏯ |
产品的尺寸我们是根据客户的要求来做的 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 The size of the product we do according to the customers requirements | ⏯ |
Si me interesa saber otros diseños 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 If Im interested in knowing other designs | ⏯ |
Tendrás mañana más de este producto 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 Will you have more of this product tomorrow | ⏯ |
Cual es el precio Dímelo túY cuanto cuesta el envio a Chile 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 Whats the price You tell meAnd how much it costs to ship to Chile | ⏯ |
cuanto es la compra minima del producto 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 how much is the minimum purchase of the product | ⏯ |
Acordaron el envio de la tela a tu bodega 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 Did they agree to ship the cloth to your cellar | ⏯ |
y la vuelvo a realizar para añadir el pago 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 and I do it again to add the payment | ⏯ |
Me puedes cotizar para completar el contenedor con el que va a venir la cinta aislante 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 Can you quote me to complete the container with which the insulating tape will come | ⏯ |
El 26 iniciamos para el 31 de Diciembre 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 On the 26th we started for December 31 | ⏯ |
Cambiar el dinero y enviar el dinero hoy 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 Change the money and send the money today | ⏯ |
Y el precio 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 And the price | ⏯ |
Llevar el Play 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 Carrying the Play | ⏯ |
El domingo cerrado 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 Closed Sunday | ⏯ |
Momento no hemos comunicado con ellos por falta de tiempo 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 Moment we have not communicated with them for lack of time | ⏯ |
También ocupó el stiker de papel donde dice el modelo 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 He also occupied the paper stiker where the model says | ⏯ |
El precion que me envió es puesto en el lugar 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 The price you sent me is put on site | ⏯ |
Y para el contenedor de 20GP cuánto sería el costo 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 And for the 20GP container how much the cost would be | ⏯ |
Excelente ese ya sería el precio puesto en el puerto 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 Excellent that would already be the price put in the port | ⏯ |
Vamos a ver para el próximo año podemos trabajar con uds 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 Lets see for next year we can work with you | ⏯ |
con el desayuno y 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 with breakfast and | ⏯ |
Mañana realizaremos el pago 🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 Tomorrow well make the payment | ⏯ |