Chinese to Japanese

How to say 冷啊 in Japanese?


More translations for 冷啊

冷不冷啊  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its cold, its cold
你冷不冷啊  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Are you cold or not
好冷啊  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its so cold
好冷啊!  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its so cold
天好冷啊!  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its cold
今天好冷啊!  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its so cold today
至于你说那么冷啊,唔啊唔啊唔唔唔唔会  🇭🇰🇬🇧  至于你说那么冷啊, 啊啊不不不不不会
你这个是冷水啊!  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Youre cold water
我觉得有点儿冷啊!  🇨🇳🇬🇧  I feel a little cold
今天冷,没戴帽子啊!  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its cold today, Im not wearing a hat
吃饭了,天气好冷啊!  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its cold, its cold
冷不冷  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Cold or cold
冷不冷  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its cold, its not cold
地暖没有油了.好冷啊  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Theres no oil in the ground heat
很冷寒冷  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its cold
你冷不冷  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Youre cold, youre not cold
你冷不冷  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Are you cold or not
好冷好冷  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its cold, its cold
不冷不冷  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its not cold, its not cold
冷  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Cold

More translations for 寒いわ

かわいい  🇯🇵🇬🇧  Cute
かわいと「ょ  🇯🇵🇬🇧  Cute and Yo
ぃじじわいじもいだじ  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Im sa
寒冷  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Cold
寒假  🇨🇳🇬🇧  The winter vacation
寒流  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Cold snap
寒暄  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Pleasantries
寒霜  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Frost
寒露  🇨🇳🇬🇧  cold dews
小寒  🇨🇳🇬🇧  slight cold
大寒  🇨🇳🇬🇧  great cold
寒假  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Winter vacation
寒潮  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Cold
不寒  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Its not cold
寒天  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Cold day
あなたの全部を味わいたい  🇯🇵🇬🇧  I want to taste all of you
伤寒病  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Typhoid fever
秋寒浞  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Autumn chill
寒冷的  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Cold
防寒衣  🇨🇳🇬🇧  Cold-proof clothing