苦难 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Suffering | ⏯ |
煎熬 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Suffering | ⏯ |
长出无穷 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 It grows endlessly | ⏯ |
让我回味无穷 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Let me reminisce endlessly | ⏯ |
患得患失 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Suffering from loss | ⏯ |
学无止境下一句 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Learn the next sentence endlessly | ⏯ |
患其他病 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 suffering from other diseases | ⏯ |
患难见真情 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Suffering from the truth | ⏯ |
什么苦难都会过去的 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Any suffering will pass | ⏯ |
我们这代人是苦过来的 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 My generation is suffering | ⏯ |
你是攻还是受 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Are you attacking or suffering | ⏯ |
人生苦难18到 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Life is suffering 18 to | ⏯ |
她已经厌倦了无休止的重复同一个动作 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Shes tired of repeating the same action endlessly | ⏯ |
她饱受心理疾病困扰 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 She is suffering from mental illness | ⏯ |
与其无止境的往前走不如回去吧 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Its better to go back than go on endlessly | ⏯ |
我说你现在这个病属于这个腰肌劳损 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 I say youre suffering from this disease | ⏯ |
唉,我苦和你家土豪吗 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Alas, am I suffering and your family | ⏯ |
亲爱的 你真的中暑了 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Honey, youre really suffering from heat stroke | ⏯ |
他患有严重的疾病 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 He is suffering from a serious illness | ⏯ |