具体时间过会一会告诉你 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Ill tell you when the time comes | ⏯ |
等套来了我就干你 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Ill you when the set comes | ⏯ |
Tell him that you will pay the balance when you come to Turkey okay 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Tell him it you will pay the balance when you come to Turkey okay | ⏯ |
如果他来找你我就告诉他 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Ill tell him if he comes to you | ⏯ |
具体时间明天告诉你 好吗 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Ill tell you tomorrow, okay | ⏯ |
这个等他回来,我们商量一下在告诉你,好吗 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Well talk to you when he comes back, okay | ⏯ |
好的,等明年计划好就告诉你 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Okay, Ill tell you when you plan for next year | ⏯ |
等你想告诉我的时候再告诉我吧! 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Tell me when you want to | ⏯ |
好的我告诉他 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Okay, Ill tell him | ⏯ |
好的,我现在告诉工厂 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Okay, Ill tell the factory now | ⏯ |
告诉我要等到什么时候? 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Tell me when to wait | ⏯ |
我安排好之后告诉你 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Ill tell you when Im scheduled | ⏯ |
寄给我的包裹 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 The package sent to me | ⏯ |
好的,有这样的工作我告诉你 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Okay, theres a job Ill tell you | ⏯ |
你好,朋友,明天告诉你,好吗 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Hello, friend, Ill tell you tomorrow, okay | ⏯ |
好的,当你到了新校区的时候就联系我 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Okay, contact me when you get to the new campus | ⏯ |
我会告诉你修复方法,明天告诉你 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Ill tell you the fix, Ill tell you tomorrow | ⏯ |
请告诉我那包裹的追踪号码 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Please tell me the tracking number of the package | ⏯ |
明天也会发送包装单给你 🇨🇳 | 🇬🇧 Ill send you the package tomorrow | ⏯ |